Question: “I already know I have a hearing loss.  Do I still need to wear hearing protection?”

Answer: YES!  Whether you have a hearing loss or not it is very important to use hearing protection when you are around anything loud.  Although you may have a hearing loss already any exposure to loud sounds can indeed make your hearing worse.  Some examples of harmful sounds are lawn mowers, weed wackers, power tools, snow blowers, chain saws, guns, and concerts.  There are several ways to protect your hearing from noise.  The use of earmuffs and ear plugs serve as a good way to protect your hearing.  If you find ear muffs or plugs to be uncomfortable you can have custom ear plugs made specifically for your ears.  You can contact an Audiologist to have them made for you

Question: “I don’t like getting water in my ears when I swim and find the over-the-counter putty to be a nuisance.  Is there anything out there to keep water out of my ears that is more comfortable and easier to use?”

Answer:There are custom made swim plugs that can be made for you.  An ear impression would be taken of your ear and made of a special material that keeps water out of your ears.  They are also helpful for people that have a hole in the ear drum or experience swimmer’s ear (outer ear infection) and need to keep water out of the ear while showering or bathing.   Since the swim plugs are specifically made for the shape and size of your ear they are very comfortable and easy to put in and out of your ear.  An Audiologist would be able to have these made for you.

Question: “I have a family history of hearing loss.  I am only 45 years old and think I hear fine.  Should I have my hearing tested?”

Answer: Yes, it is a good idea to have your hearing tested.  If you do have normal hearing it will serve as a baseline for future testing.  If you do have a hearing loss the Audiologist will provide you with information regarding your hearing loss and if you would benefit from hearing aids or not.  Whether you test to have normal hearing or a hearing loss the Audiologist will give you recommendations specific for your test results for further follow up, hearing protection, and/or amplification.